(An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 Certified Company)

Lords Chloro Alkali Limited Lords Chloro Alkali Limited
textile processing chemicals, industrial chemical suppliersLords Chloro Alkali Limited textile processing chemicals suppliers, industrial chemical exporters

IndiaMART TrustSeal
Policy of LCAL is to conduct all business activities in a responsible manner, free from recognized hazards; to respect the environment, to foster the sustainable use of the earth's resources.
textile processing chemicals

The quality management policy set up at LCAL is duly followed by production and other teams in our unit. This involves continual supervision on varying aspects of production.

industrial chemical in India
Lords Chloro Alkali Limited
Lords Chloro Alkali Limited
• The trading of equity shares of company will resume at BSE on monday, 5th april, 2010.
BSE Scrip Code is 500284
For DEMAT the ISIN No. is INE846D01012

• Revamping of non-functional or partly functional operations of by-products section.

• Membrane Cell Technology used.

• Consolidation & stabilization plan of the plant expansion up to 270 t.p.d. in near future.
Lords Chloro Alkali Limited
Lords Chloro Alkali Limited Lords Chloro Alkali Limited Lords Chloro Alkali Limited
Lords Chloro Alkali Limited

Company Video
Lords Chloro Alkali Limited
textile processing chemicals suppliers industrial chemical exporters

Lords Chloro Alkali Limited